Hi there!
We’ve had quite an eventful couple of months! So just to bring you up to speed, we inserted the most newsworthy items into this month’s newsletter.
We decided to do some research into the origin of the gabion… But even we weren’t prepared for THIS! In fact, we were so surprised by this discovery of ours that we decided to make it our featured article!
In this month’s newsletter
- Gabions Through The Ages
- Stepped reventment for ponds at the Soshanguve Taxi Terminal
- Gothic Construction’s Gabion Crash Barrier
- Exciting new product to be revealed soon!
Keep rocking,
The Gabion Baskets team!
Gabions through the ages
As you are well aware, gabions are used for a variety of reasons. But where did the concept start? Who were the geniuses who developed and cultivated it?
The actual history is quite interesting – from ancient Egypt to Da Vinci, during the quattrocento Renaissance, to the American civil war to today…
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Stepped reventment for ponds – Soshanguve Taxi Terminal
Find out how stepped reventment were installed at the Soshanguve Taxi Terminal in Pretoria to prevent slope failures and rocks from falling… Our client even launched a request to get permission from the Tswane municipality to install more gabions!
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Gothic Construction’s Gabion Crash Barrier
Because trucks often crash into the wall of Gothic Construction’s head office site, located on the corner of William Nicol and Kingfisher in Fourways, it was decided to replace the brick wall with an architectural gabion wall.
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The Big Reveal!
We’ve been working on a new product. Can you guess what it is?
Keep an eye on our social media accounts for clues as to what this can be![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]