[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We have just completed a great looking gabion revetment wall in Pretoria for Steinmuller who do all the steel pipework for Eskom’s mothballed power plants to be re-commissioned in Mpumulanga soon.
The wall designed was originally to a height of 6m with a length of 440m. However funds were short and eventually after cost cutting excercises the final wall was erected to a height of 5m by 105m long. This work was undertaken by about 14persons each day with a TLB to help load the rock quicker from stockpile directly into the baskets, achieving about 1.5-2.0m3 per man per day with machine help to lift the rock to the higher levels. Normally gabion works allow 1m3/man/day for installation purposes. A total quantity of 540m3 of gabion walling was installed on this site. The wall base was founded to a depth of 0.5m passive toe resistance in front of the wall with a pathway in front of it. The gabion facing was rotated into the embankment with a 4degree batter slope to further enhance stability of the wall. The walls base width was 1.5m for the first two gabion levels with subsequent layers of 1x1m. We allowed for a 400mm horizontal step on each level at every one metre change in height.
To reduce time taken to infill the baskets and to reduce rock costing on site a smaller blatfurnace slagment rock was used(from nearby) to infill the rear 67% wide section of the gabion wall. Normal granite rock for the front face was used to provide the neat looking front face evident in the pictures as shown below.
Gabion construction work was undertaken by the highly experienced team of Mr Reg Laskey from Littlecreek Civils – 082-8944155 with Gabion Baskets assisting with initial designs and price estimates and the final supply of gabion, geotextile and geogrid materials to site.
Some photo’s and design drawings are shown below of the works completed, kindly contact us for any further information you require about this interesting project.[/vc_column_text][us_grid columns=”3″ img_size=”us_350_350_crop” post_type=”attachment” items_quantity=”” images=”9922,9923,9924,9925,9926,9927,9928,9929,9930,9931″ type=”masonry” orderby=”post__in” items_gap=”4px” items_layout=”gallery_default” overriding_link=”popup_post_image” breakpoint_1_cols=”3″ breakpoint_2_width=”768px” breakpoint_3_width=”480px” breakpoint_2_cols=”3″ breakpoint_3_cols=”2″][/vc_column][/vc_row]