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IMIESA May 2017 Gabions


Rock baskets protect the environment

Gabions, in their many forms, have been a part of the construction landscape for centuries, but the technologies, in terms of materials and applications, have seen major advancements, as Louis Cheyne, managing director of Gabion Baskets, explains. This is part one in a three-part editorial series. By Alastair Currie

Marine and riverine environments are naturally subjected to the elements, and erosion is the ensuing result, especially given the weather extremes experienced in recent years. A percentage of this erosion factor is the result of urban expansion, and ensuing pollution, which needs to be countered by interventions that promote sustainability and cope and counter the downstream pressure on eco-systems.

“Gabions are a natural and proven solution, and although the construction approach appears to lack complexity – since these are essentially wire mesh compositions filled with rocks – the design and application of these systems requires a highly experienced civil engineer specialising in environmental construction,” says Louis Cheyne, managing director of Gabion Baskets – which manufactures and offers in-house design services for its extensive product range to consulting engineers, architects and contractors.

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